Category: 2 cents
20120818 "Reflections" conference, organized by University of Cambridge HKCAS
Hong Kong's Integration with China: Looking Back, Thinking Forward 再思中港融合 前望共進之路
Click "HERE" for the full photo album more »
Newsletter Dec 2010
Dear Family and Friends,
Sabah, Malaysia Sept 2010
Time passes too quickly, it is the end of the year again, we would like to share with you what we have been up to in 2010. (A full account of the year is given at the end of this letter). Here is the hi… more »
輕輕的我走了, 正如我輕輕的來...
My book is out. Official site
My Cambridge Days
陳志邦 博士
Dr Dominic Chan, PhD MA BA (Cantab.)
輕輕的我走了… more »
Dinner at Mori Sushi
Dinner at Mori Sushi^ G/Fl, 34 Graham Street, Central, Hong Kong
+852 2854 1800
Somewhat unconventional but a bit pricey. more »
A place dedicated to CHOCOLATE!
A place dedicated to CHOCOLATE!
1/F Fenwick Pier 1 Lung King Street Wanchai, *Hong Kong* more »
Lunch at Simply Organic in Causeway Bay
We had a great lunch at this place. Healthy organic delicious food at a nice
quiet restaurant.
Sustainable Kitchen at Simply Organic *'A Living Culinary Experience'* 1st
Floor, 21 Canal Road West, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Tel. 2488-0508
http://ping.… more »
Lunch at Kyo Hachi at the Peak
Shop 4, L2/F, The Peak Tower, 28 Peak
Road, Hong Kong +852 2907 2888 more »
Dinner at Bonheur
Dinner at Bonheur 6/F The Pemberton, 22-26 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong
French food! more »
Afternoon snack at China Tee Club
China Tee Club, 101 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Hong Kong
+852 2521 0233 more »
Freedom in 3 dimensions - time, location, and thoughts.
These days, when asked by friends and family what I treasure most, I always reply "FREEDOM" and to further elaborate, I treasure freedom in 3 dimensions, namely, the freedom of time, location, and thoughts.
Freedom of controlling your own time means th… more »
We are doomed - The lack of effective negative feedback loop
I take a somewhat pessimistic view on our planet, at the rate that we (including myself) are destroying the environment and continue to consume in a unsustainable manner producing more and more wastes that cannot be recycled. Why do we keep doing it, do… more »
Shareing - Dec 2009
St Petersburg Sept 2009Dear Family and Friends,
We hope this sharing finds you well. It has been a while since we last wrote our update (May 2009). We would like to share with you what we have been up to in 2009, and as always, we also want to hear fro… more »
WiFi service at Cyberport - ummm...
I am a frequent visitor to Cyberport and I work (and relax) at various cafes and restaurants there, naturally surfing the net on my netbook, I must say I am rather disappointed with the so called free WiFi coverage there, you would have thought the Cybe… more »
Making a big fuss out of nothing (aka overstressed Hong Kongers)
I had the misfortune of being on a bus where a really silly incident occurred. Two unrelated passengers quarreled over a tiny matter where one of them moved the other one's bag to free up a seat for himself. The heated argument escalated in no time to o… more »
Cambridge Mentorship program 2: Travel and Charity
The Friends of Cambridge University in Hong Kong hosted the 2nd mentorship program this summer, the topic was Travel and Charity. The speakers were Melody who spoke about her experience working at Cathay Pacific as a management trainee, Elaine spoke abo… more »
Learning French and Japanese
I have been spending quite some time now to learn French (3 months in France) and Japanese (6 weeks in Japan). I want to keep practicing the two languages and to learn more new words. However, with a busy city life, I find it very difficult to keep up a… more »
07/27/09 11:59:35 pm, by Leglessbird , 251 words,
Categories: 2 cents, SAIL - [S]peak [A]n [I]nternational [L]anguage ,
International English Contest
I was invited by Xian Jiao Tong University to attend the kick off meeting of China's first International English Contest (IEC). The meeting was held in Beijing and organizers from different cities and provinces were present, there were also representati… more »
07/25/09 11:51:12 pm, by Leglessbird , 159 words,
Categories: 2 cents, SAIL - [S]peak [A]n [I]nternational [L]anguage ,
Third Chinese research station in Antarctica - Kunlun station
Today we went to a seminar at the Science Museum on the topic of the third Chinese research station in Antarctica - Kunlun. The talk was organized by Dr. Rebecca Lee, and the guest speak was Dr. Yuansheng Li, the leader who led the team to build the sta… more »
Does Hong Kong Government take long term view on assisting technology startup?
Sadly the answer is NO, as I was told by a senior official of our government during a lunch event together with industry representatives.
I was describing a business model of an UK company which sponsors promising technology ideas generated from univer… more »
A challenge to all so-called analyst otherwise known as "Financial actors"
If all these "financial actors" are so good at predicting the trend of the stock market or explaining the ups and downs of the stock, after the facts of course. I propose the following challenge:
Confine yourself in a room with no means of contact to t… more »
Typhoon hitting Hong Kong
This must be the 3rd typhoon hitting Hong Kong this year and each time it strikes during weekend! While the last 2 typhoon posted no threat, I think this time, there is no escape and we are going to embrace the full force of the mighty storm. Sit tight!… more »
WiFi access at Cyberport...sigh...
I often visit Cyberport to work out, have meals and sometimes sit around one of the cafes to do some work. Using my netbook to connect to the supposedly fully covered Cyperport Wi-Fi facilities, however, it is not so straight forward, it is usually with… more »
Managing through uncertainties
Just came back from a talk organized by iProA titled "Managing through uncertainties", the guest speaker is Mr. KO Chia who I have met earlier this morning. Thoroughly enjoyed his speech sharing his experience through the ups and downs of the various ma… more »
Meeting with Mr. KO Chia
Had a breakfast meeting with Mr. KO Chia, an experienced senior executive, venture builder, investor and advisor. We happen to be helping the same company called ChineseAN, an online affiliated marketing company that is very promising though not without… more »
Cambridge mentorship program summer 2009 Part 1
We had our 1st session of the mentorship program on Sat 11 July, the topic was CV and interview workshop. I spoke along side with Stan, Herbert, Karen and Becky. Herbert had kindly prepared a structured discussion framework to share with the attendants… more »
Lions Club meeting with EdExchange
EdExchange is a very meaningful charity organization in Hong Kong encouraging secondary school students to create their own charity program ideas while helping them to finance these projects. We discussed a potential partnership between Metropolitan Lio… more »
New Content Management System (CMS)
Recently, I have been testing an upgrade of a Content Management System and like the new functions and ease of management the site content, so I thought I might as well upgrade my long over-due personal site! And also update the so outdated content! more »
Joining Metropolitan Lions Club
This year since I am not flying as much as previous years, I would like to do more meaningful things outside work, thus I have decided to join Metropolitan Lions Club whose objective is to promote education in Hong Kong. I have already got to know some… more »
Taking mobile office to the next level
We love travelling and we are always on the move, in the old days when laptop computer was hardly "portable", carrying it to a travel destination was a big hassle indeed, it was heavy, bulky and a liability as it was an expensive and delicate item. You… more »
Kids with Hong Kong parents but speak English as first language?
I was at McDonald the other day and saw a couple speaking to their very young daughter in English while the couple spoke perfect Cantonese to each other suggesting that like me, they are local Hong Kongers. Are they normal residence overseas and returni… more »
Say NO to junk surface mail
Say NO to junk surface mail
We are sick and tired of the junk mails stuffed in our mail box. We want it to stop! Here are some actionable items from the easiest to the more involved ways:
1) Circle the return address on the promotio… more »