Category: Tips for freelancer

What is a Global Expert Network?

A Global Expert Network is a network (usually an online platform) where people with different domain knowledge, i.e. experience in different vertical industries such as telecommunications, insurance, pharmaceutical, banking, finance, retails, marketing,… more »
  07/29/09 04:07:16 pm, by Leglessbird   , 251 words, Categories: Tips for freelancer ,

What is a "Professional Staffing" firm?

"Professional Staffing" firm is a company, market maker that makes a living from matching the clients' need, in the form of jobs or projects that usually have a predefined time and/or scope, with the necessary human resource such as a highly skilled ind… more »
  07/29/09 03:39:18 pm, by Leglessbird   , 246 words, Categories: Tips for freelancer ,