Wine and Dine with Leglessbird - Aug 2009
We had vegetarian meal for our "Wine and Dine with Leglessbird" this month. Great food and great companion!
Reunion of a Cambridge Friend
Run into a Cambridge Friend at a cafe of Cyberport whom I have not seen for almost 14 years, what a nice surprise and we still recognize each other! We both happened to be going to Beijing for meetings, so we ended up having dinner together in Beijing with other Cambridge alumni.
4th and last mentorship seminar of this summer: Banking and Finance
Another good turn out and great speakers, a big thank you goes to Becky, Stan and Patricia.
Cambridge Mentorship program 3: Management Consulting, 1 Aug 2009
On 1 Aug 2009, we had the 3rd session of the Cambridge University Mentorship seminar series 2009. I delivered a presentation on the basics of being a management consultant, together with Karen, Herbert and Dexter, we shared with the attendants stories, tips and more about the industry.
WiFi service at Cyberport - ummm...
I am a frequent visitor to Cyberport and I work (and relax) at various cafes and restaurants there, naturally surfing the net on my netbook, I must say I am rather disappointed with the so called free WiFi coverage there, you would have thought the Cyberport providing a free wireless broadband service should be high speed and convenient, THANK AGAIN!
Not only the activation process breaks down frequently ("405 method noot allowed" - whatever that means), even when you got it, the speed is disappointing and the connection is unreliable. This is pretty ironic if you think of the name of the place and who's supposed to be running the show! Sigh...
My weekend of 31 July -2 August 2009
The weekend started off with the monthly dinner meeting on Friday night with the Metropolitan Lions Club, this is my first directors' meeting with Lions Club. It was a great evening and one of the directors demonstrated an ancient Chinese exercise that is supposed to be very good for our health. Our friends at Lions Club also celebrated our wedding anniversary.
On Saturday afternoon, I hosted a seminar for the students and alumni of Cambridge University, the topic of he seminar was on the life as a management consultant. The seminar went very well, attendants asked a lot of questions and hopefully had learned a lot from the seminar. In the evening, we went to a very nice private club to have dinner with friends from Warwick University and celebrate the birthday of a friend who turned 30 years old. It was a buffet dinner and we had a fantastic time chatting on various topics.
We had a quiet Sunday, mostly spent at home. I did some work on different projects and then exercise at the gym at Cyberport. The weather was very hot and humid, not very nice to be outdoor.
Le week-end a commencé avec la réunion mensuelle le dîner le vendredi soir avec le Metropolitan Club Lions, il s'agit de ma première réunion de directeurs avec les Lions Club. Ce fut un grand soir et l'un des réalisateurs chinois a démontré une ancienne exercice qui est censé être très bon pour notre santé. Nos amis au Club Lions également célébré notre anniversaire de mariage.
Le samedi après-midi, j'ai organisé un séminaire pour les étudiants et anciens étudiants de l'Université de Cambridge, le thème de séminaire, il était sur la vie en tant que consultant en gestion. Le séminaire s'est très bien passé, l'assistance a demandé beaucoup de questions et nous espérons a beaucoup appris de ce séminaire. Dans la soirée, nous sommes allés à un très bon club privé de dîner avec des amis de l'université de Warwick et de célébrer l'anniversaire d'un ami qui a tourné 30 ans. Il s'agissait d'un dîner-buffet et nous avons eu un temps fantastique discuter sur divers sujets.
Nous avons eu un dimanche tranquille, le plus souvent passé à la maison. J'ai fait quelques travaux sur différents projets, puis à l'exercice au gymnase à Cyberport. Le temps était très chaud et humide, pas très agréable d'être en plein air.
土曜日の午後、私は経営コンサルタントとしての人生には、ケンブリッジ大学の学生や卒業生、彼のテーマのセミナーのためのセミナーを開催した。セミナーはとてもよく、参加者の質問をたくさんの質問と期待したセミナーから多くのことを学んだしていた。夕方には、我々は非常に良いプライベートクラブにウォーウィック大学の友人と食事をするには、 30歳の誕生日を祝うお友達になっている。ビュッフェディナーをされ、我々は素晴らしい時間を、様々な話題でおしゃべりをしていた。